Friday, October 8, 2010


Usually I go to sleep between 7:30 and 8:30pm and get up between 6:00 and 7:30am. Mommy goes to bed as soon as she can after I go to sleep and she eats and finishes the chores, so that she can get enough rest. But last night I went to sleep early at 6:30pm. Mommy thought it was ok since she had a networking event to attend, and she wasn't sure Daddy would enjoy handling my evening fussies alone. She was hoping that I would continue sleeping through the night, waking to eat once or twice and then going back to sleep. But yesterday evening when I went to sleep at 6:30pm, I just wanted a nap. I woke up at 10pm and was fussy. I wouldn't go back to sleep after eating and I kept Mommy up until 11:30pm. The next morning I slept in a bit, until 8am. Here I am, still asleep!

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